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For maximum comfort inside the stable box

The proven OTTO StableMats create warmth and comfort in the horse box and ensure the wellbeing of your horses. Special pockets on the underside of the mat create a warming air cushion. You can save a great deal on bedding material when using OTTO StableMats, as it is only required to soak up urine. An additional advantage: Minimal waste is generated - cleaning is therefore very quick and easy, and disposal is considerably simplified.


Technical specifications

Made for Dimensions (length x width x height) Weight Material
Stable / box 115 x 75 x 4 cm (= coverage of approx. 0.86 m2) 28 kg Recycled PVC

The colour, shape, size and weight of the mats may vary in the production process. However, this in no way affects the functionality. Complaints or exchanges in this respect are excluded.



It’s so easy to install the OTTO StableMats: The mats can be laid on any firm and level surface. If necessary, they can be easily cut with a saw to the required size. The fact that the individual mats are connected to each other ensures a firm and stable surface.


Get a quote now! Free of charge and non-binding.


Absorbent material such as flax straw, sawdust, wood shavings and straw pellets make suitable bedding.


OTTO StableMats can be hosed down with a water hose or high-pressure cleaner. The mats may be removed from the box periodically as required, and thoroughly ‘blasted’ (recommendation: approx. once annually).


To calculate how many OTTO StableMats are required for a box, divide the surface area of the box by the top surface of a mat (0.86 m2). The result is rounded up to whole numbers of mats

Box 3 m x 3 m = 9 m2.
9 m2 / 0.86 m2 = 10.46 mats.
Requirement: 11 mats.

Note: If there are several separate boxes, first calculate the requirement for each individual box. Then add up the total of all the rounded up results.

Requirement for 3 boxes each measuring 9 m2: 3 x 11 mats = 33 mats

The OTTO StableMat weighs appr. 28 kg. It measures 115 cm x 75 cm. The top surface is 0.86 m2.

  • Insulation: The OTTO StableMat provides the horse with a comfortable underlay which ensures good insulation against the cold ground with the integrated air pockets.
  • Protects the musculoskeletal system: OTTO StableMat is highly shock-absorbent and also provides a balanced firmness to protect the horse’s joints, ligaments and tendons.
  • Saving on straw and bedding: As the horse itself accepts the OTTO StableMat as a comfortable bed, so bedding is only necessary to soak up urine. A thick, warm bed of straw is unnecessary, significantly reducing bedding and straw consumption and greatly simplifying disposal.
  • Safe and secure underlay: The surface of the OTTO StableMat is covered with flat studs, which also give the horse a good foothold when standing up. The individual mats are joined by a tongue and groove system to ensure they are skid-resistant.

OTTO StableMats provide a robust and durable flooring. The warranty is for 2 years. Their lifetime is usually significantly longer.


The OTTO StableMats are made of recycled PVC.


OTTO StableMats are made of elastic recycled plastic and comply with the soil and groundwater protection regulations, which state that no substances may leach out that could contaminate the groundwater.


The flat, round studs (Ø 2.5 cm) are textured, which give the horses a good grip on the OTTO StableMat, but prevent them from stumbling. The surface of the OTTO StableMat is such that the horses avoid chafing.


The sub-base layer under the OTTO StableMats must be level and load-bearing (chippings, concrete, stone, etc.)


The OTTO StableMat can be cut to size with any commercially available jigsaw or circular saw.


Remove the shavings (bedding) with the urine and horse droppings with a pitchfork and/or sweep the OTTO StableMat clean.


OTTO StableMats are only suitable for outdoor areas such as feeding troughs, lying areas or open stables. Exceptions are covered or sloped areas. Rain and snow could lead to ice formation and therefore become a slip hazard.


The recycled plastic from which OTTO StableMats are made is not water-permeable and does not absorb moisture. Water is absorbed by bedding material.

Water is absorbed by bedding material.


We have been selling OTTO StableMats on the international market for over 20 years.



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