Lena floerke - Lebenshilfe im Nürnberger Land
Hervorragender Reitboden – Ideal für unser Reittherapiezentrum!
"Wir haben das große Glück seit Bau unserer Anlage auf den OTTO-Reitböden arbeiten zu dürfen.
Nach dem Neubau unserer Reitplatzüberdachung im Jahr 2024 wurden unsere Böden durch die Firma Otto Arena System überarbeitet.
Wir als Reittherapiezentrum müssen uns auf die besonderen Bedürfnisse unserer Klienten einstellen und unsere Reitböden unterstützen uns dabei in jeder Hinsicht.
Die Beschaffenheit des Bodens ist perfekt auf Sicherheit und Komfort, sowohl für unsere Pferde als auch für unsere Klienten abgestimmt.
Den Service, welchen die Firma Otto bietet, ist großartig. Von der Anlieferung bis hin zur Begradigung des Reitbodens lief alles reibungslos ab und wir fühlten uns zu jederzeit optimal beraten."

"As an internationally active and successful competition stable with a stallion station, the best is just good enough for our horses.
We deliberately chose the OTTO company for the construction and realization of the new competition center. With a lot of know-how, perfect advice and the support from OTTO, we have built one of the most modern and most beautiful show grounds in southern Germany. Not only the dimensions but also the quality of the arenas meet Olympic requirements.
A big thank you goes to the company OTTO, that gave us excellent support in realizing this project.
A true jewel has been created!"

Ann-Sophie Seidl
“The tournaments at Sepp Hofinger are always extraordinarily great! The organization is unbeatable and you always feel totally comfortable. The conditions are also great for the horses. A big compliment to the whole Hofinger team,”
S-jumping winner Ann-Sophie Seidl about the riding facility at RC-Hofinger in Austria

"The training of our eventing horses is intense and, above all, has many aspects, which therefore places particularly high demands on the riding surface. We train outside in almost any weather, and in all three disciplines. The OTTO Arena really provides optimum conditions here in Hamm at any time of year. The floor can withstand even heavy downpour as the water immediately drains away through the mat system. Then in summer, the mats store enough water to keep the sand sufficiently moist and firm. This means that we can actually continue dressage, jumping and cross-country training in all weathers. The health of our horses is top priority, and the OTTO Arena ensures the best conditions for this.”
You can visit and try out Sophie Leube’s superb riding arena in Hamm.CONTACT

Reiten erleben - Pferdehof Seifert
Carina Seifert
"I have now laid out two boxes with stable mats as a test and the handling was great! Super quick to lay if you don't have a lot of tools, the mats can also be sawn up with a handsaw to adjust them optimally. Super handy. A thin layer of well-absorbent bedding and the horses feel comfortable :). Delivery of the mats on time and with good agreement via the forwarding agency directly to the farm! The next boxes will follow!"

OLiveira Stables
"Everything worked perfectly, the riding sand came on time, the grader was also on site on time and so since Monday we not only have a bright riding arena that looks fresh, but the riders are also fresh and happy about the new sand. Everything fits."
Uli Reber & Spóliant from Lipperthof
Lipperthof Wurz
"We are very satisfied with the OTTO-ArenaTölt footing. Since we have the surface here, we can't imagine any other."
Lipperthof Wurz
Langebaekgaard Ridecenter ApS
"Our OTTO ebb/flow arena constructed in Denmark has just been completed and it is absolutely outstanding – our dressage riders ranging from “L” level to “Grand Prix” are all very pleased with the arena which surpasses our highest expectation.
We ordered an arena on "Supervisor" basis, but due to travel restrictions caused by the COVID-19, we decided to complete it as a "Do-It-Yourself". OTTO Sport International GmbH have been extremely supportive and have delivered goods on time and as agreed, they have also been available with professional guidance and instructions round the clock and despite the COVID-19 it was completed on time!
We are in particular very pleased with their attention to details, not least in the selection of suitable sand and the control unit is really “plug and play”.
You are more than welcome to contact us, should you have any questions to the arena itself or our cooperation with OTTO, if you are around, you are also welcome to try it for yourselves…

Carolin Mallmann
(Haras Godiva) in Uruguay
"My name is Carolin Mallmann, I am a dressage rider and I compete internationally representing Uruguay. Thanks to this I have had the privilege to train and participate in international competitions in the best arenas in the United States, so I have personally appreciated the importance of a good floor for my horses. I have decided to invest in my equestrian center called Haras Godiva Uruguay in a new arena with mats and GeoTextil OttoSport, in addition to adding to our indoor arena OTTOGeoTextil.
Today Haras Godiva has the only OttoSport arena in Uruguay and one of the few existing in South America. We are waiting for the new OTTO-ArenaLeveller of both tracks.
My two top competition horses, Don Romeo and Godot SSF are currently in Wellington where we are preparing for the next season of the Global Dressage Festival and then we can go to Uruguay to continue training at Haras Godiva for the next goal, to participate in the Odesur Games in Paraguay 2022 and then the Pan American Games in Chile 2023. Thanks to the OttoSport arena that we have installed at Haras Godiva, the dream will be finally possible: to be able to train under the same conditions that we have been doing in the USA, always thinking about the horse's welfare. The difference is remarkable, there is an elasticity that is transmitted through the horse's body.
The horse steps safely and transmits confidence in each step, being able to maintain the rhythm and balance in its maximum expression. It is like riding on clouds. We are very happy with the result. The horses and riders are happy. Thank you very much!”
KrollRanch - the home for your horse!
"We are very satisfied with the process, the great service from OTTO Arena and all the employees with whom I was in contact. Especially in relation to the complicated time with Corona. Other large companies are way behind when it comes to advice on equal terms and friendliness.
We have also been approached from outside about the new equestrian surface, and I am always happy to recommend OTTO Arena to others."

CEO Agrobroker Antequera, Málaga, Spain
"We are very satisfied with the performance of our riding facility, especially with the service that OTTO has shown us. We decided on the OTTO Classic System because it enables us to ensure that it adapts best to the requirements of our horseclub. This facility is a reference riding arena in Spain. It is used daily by many equestrians who also visit us here at our tournaments as a test riding arena."
"Estamos muy contentos con las prestaciones que está dando la pista y sobre todo con el servicio que nos dio OTTO en su momento.
Elegimos el sistema OTTO clásico porque entendemos que es el que mejor se adapta a las características de nuestro club; la pista está funcionando genial y hoy en España es una pista de referencia según los comentarios de todos los jinetes que vienen a nuestras competiciones."
Agrobroker Antequera

Michael Stone
President - Equestrian Sport Productions, LLC - Palm Beach International Equestrian Center - Winter Equestrian Festival
"The Palm Beach International Equestrian Center adheres to the FEI’s Code of Conduct and to acknowledge and accept that at all times the welfare of the horse must be paramount and must never be subordinated to competitive or commercial influences.
In the past few decades, having the correct footing has become paramount to the equestrian industry.
In 2019 ESP renovated the PBIEC international arena. The products we chose were OTTO Sport arena base mats and ProTex footing product from Premier Equestrian, Inc. The new arena was received favorably and performed to the highest standards. The surface offers consistent quality, regardless of weather conditions.
With reference to the PBIEC International Arena, the OTTO Sport base mats and special footing mixture are an ideal solution for our competition venue. The performance of the traction-knobs on the upper side of the mats are excellent and ensure optimal stability."
Johannes Mayrhofer
Pferdezentrum Stadl-Paura, Austria
“It is very important for us to be able to presentall the disciplines in equestrian sport. We consider ourselves a centre of excellence for the Austrian horse industry, so all the equestrian sport disciplines are represented here. We believe we can do this most effectively with these riding surfaces.”
On a scale from 1 – 10, how satisfied are you with the new surfaces? Mr. Mayrhofer: “Right now, 11!”